Planning for 2024 Success Checklist

Ah, I love this time of year! The air is filled with excitement and promises of doing things better and achieving amazing results. Some teams already have their 2024 Strategic Plan in hand and are running full speed ahead. Others are still carefully mapping out their path for the next 12 months.


Whether you have started the sprint or are still planning the journey, we’ve pulled together a checklist to make sure that you have everything in place for defining and achieving meaningful results this year.


[] Review Your Big-Picture Vision

When was the last time you reviewed your business’s vision? Before setting new goals, you must understand where the company is headed long-term to ensure that your plan for 2024 is moving you in the right direction.


[] Describe Year-End Success

Do you have a clear picture of what success will look like at the end of the year? Does this vision support the organization’s big-picture vision?


[] Set 2024 Goals

Have you clearly defined goals that once achieved, will create the outcome you are envisioning at the end of 2024?


[] Outline Success Metrics

Have you determined the specific metrics that outline how you are measuring success at the end of the year?


[] Brainstorm and Prioritize Strategies

Do you have a list of prioritized strategies for achieving your goals? Does your team know what they should be focusing on in the first quarter?


[] Detail Q1 Action Plan

Do you have a detailed action plan outlining the tasks, responsibilities, timeline and achievements during the first quarter?


[] Create Systems for Tracking Success

Have you built systems to measure and track progress along the way? How are you keeping yourself and your team accountable? How will you know if things are working and when it’s time to course correct?


Looking for more information on the topics above? Check out our Crushing Your Goals series for additional insights and tips.


Still struggling to define meaningful goals and create your roadmap for the year? We can help! Our Framework for Crushing 2024 Package includes a half-day workshop focused on defining your 2024 goals, objectives and strategies. Imagine the time and headaches you will save! Let us help you build the framework so you and your team can focus on planning action tasks and successful execution.


The Key to Improving Your Business’s Success