The #1 Question to Ask Before Finalizing Your 2025 Plan
Whether you’re deep in planning for 2025 or already running on Q1 strategies, take a moment to ask yourself one key question: Is our annual plan focused on what truly matters and moving us in the right direction?
The Key to Improving Your Business’s Success
“I don’t believe in long-term planning. There is so much change that impacts my business and is outside of my control. Threats of a recession, companies downsizing, an upcoming election…at best, I can only think about the upcoming year. As a business strategist, what are your thoughts on this?”
I’ve been hearing this from many people lately and you know what? I understand where they're coming from. Yes, the typical 5-year strategic planning cycle may be outdated.
However, there is one essential tool that can transform your business’s success now and for years to come. Check out our latest blog post to find out more.
Crush Your Goals Tip #5: Track Progress and Course Correct as Needed
If you've been following our Crush Your Goals! series and putting in the work, congratulations! You've already built the foundation needed to rock your business goals next year. You've crafted goals that support your big-picture vision, set meaningful success metrics to measure your progress, and designed a detailed action plan for achieving your success.
But there’s one final thing you must do before you start your next sprint – make sure you have the systems in place to track your progress and shift your efforts as needed to stay on course. Learn how regular check-ins, team collaboration, and adaptability can help ensure you stay on the path to crushing your goals.
Crush Your Goals Tip #4: Build Your Action Roadmap
You’ve dedicated the time to define big, aspirational goals for your business in 2024 – kudos! But if you want to turn these dreams into realities, you must create a clear and actionable plan for you and your team. Learn more about building your action roadmap with this week’s tip for boosting your success next year.
Crush Your Goals Tip #3: Define YOUR Success Metrics
This week’s tip for crushing your 2024 goals shines a spotlight on objectives – those specific and measurable metrics that support your goals and let you know when you’ve crossed the finish line.
But here’s the kicker – these metrics shouldn’t just be based on how you performed last year or what others are doing in your industry. These metrics should contribute to YOUR vision of success.
From setting numbers that actually matter to thinking beyond money and building systems that contribute to sustainable growth, Tip #3 is all about defining purposeful metrics that reinforce your upcoming goals.
Crush Your Goals Tip #2: Set Great Goals!
Crush Your Goals Tip #1: Multiple Your Time with Clarity and Focus
Do I Need a Business Consultant?
Do I Need a Business Consultant?
Ever wonder about what a Business Consultant could do for your business? From providing fresh perspectives and creating a clear and unified direction to untangling complex goals, bringing in an outside expert could be the key to helping you unlock the true potential of your business and achieve your BHAGs.
Unleash Your Planning Power! 4 Easy Tips to Boost Your Planning Sessions
Unleash Your Planning Power!
How often do you take time to step away from firefighting to plan big picture goals for your business? Looking for tips to make these planning sessions more impactful? From exploring various tools to prioritizing future-focused tasks, check out our latest blog for tips on how to maximize your planning potential.
Why Should I Plan When Everything Will Change?
Change is a constant and many factors are beyond our control. However, a written strategic plan can serve as your compass, guiding you through the evolving business landscape. Just like a road trip, unexpected events will likely arise, but a well-defined plan will empower you and your team to swiftly adjust and confidently steer your organization successfully towards your envisioned destination.
Find YOUR Purpose
It’s not enough to understand what you do and why it provides value in the lives of others. You need to understand why it is important to you. Why it drives you to wake up motivated to do the best you can and make every moment count. Find your purpose and use it to define your organization’s north star!
Top 5 Tips for Successfully Refreshing Your Strategic Plan
Is your strategic plan in need of a refresh? Changes in leadership, major events, or unmet goals can render your plan outdated. Whether it's for an upcoming accreditation, grant application or vision realignment, consider these five tips to successfully update your plan.
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