Top 5 Tips for Successfully Refreshing Your Strategic Plan
Has your strategic plan become outdated due to a change in leadership or a major political, social, or economic event? Perhaps your plan has expired but you haven’t achieved your goals. Maybe an accreditation process or grant application is requiring you to submit a "current" plan. Why not consider refreshing your strategic plan? Here are five tips to help you navigate this process with your team, update your plan, and refocus your efforts on achieving your vision for success.
1. Take Time to Understand Where You Are Today
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the organization today? Are there any new opportunities or threats in the marketplace today? Any new (or rising) organizations that are competing for program participation, fundraising dollars or volunteers?
2. Make Sure Everyone Agrees with the Destination
Review your vision and goals. Do they reflect the passions of the team and get each person excited about their future impact? Are they big enough to move the organization forward, or are you just doing more of what you do today? Do they align with your mission statement and core values? How are you defining and measuring success for each goal?
3. Create an Action Plan
Goals, objectives and strategies are important but could leave team members unsure of where to start first. Break each strategy down into actionable steps that include task duration, responsible persons, metrics for measuring success and resources needed. Prioritize your strategies so you understand what your team is focusing on first.
4. Learn From Your Previous Implementation Journey
Take a moment to look back at your previous experiences with implementing strategic plans. Consider what worked well for your team and what didn't. Are there any chances to improve team planning, progress evaluation, and overall communication to help you achieve your goals more effectively?
5. Share Your Strategic Plan with Your Entire Team
Did you know that employees who understand their organization’s mission and goals are 2.8 times more likely to be engaged? Share your strategic plan with all stakeholders (employees, volunteers, donors, partnering organizations, etc.) so they understand where you are headed, why this is important to improving your impact, and how they can help you reach your goals.